Wholesale CBD Oil

Wholesale CBD Oil | Wholesale Cannabidiol Products

At Liquid Creations, we have a wide selection of wholesale CBD Oils. Our Flavoured CBD Oils in particular are very popular. If you are interested in getting your own CBD Oil brand made please do not hesitate to contact us.

The premium 100% CBD that we use is specially imported from the United States of America. All of our products are manufactured here in the UK and quality checked by our trained professionals. We pride ourselves on being a catch-all solution for every customer in the UK, Ireland, and Europe. Our products can be tailored to be vegan, kosher, halal, non-GMO and gluten-free to give your customers more options no matter their dietary requirements.

Not only do we manufacture products but we also label them in house. Depending on your needs, if labels are all you need, we can make them! If all you have is a LOGO, we have a team of speciality graphics designers that can create a label based on your brand that you are happy with and have it shipped directly to you.

Our white label services mean that we can DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, LABEL and SHIP the product directly to you ready for sale!

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