Hi All,
This year at The Vaper Expo in the NEC Birmingham Liquid Creations debuted with our flagship product Candy Co! You may have noticed us, we were the stand that everyone was gathering around to punch our boxing machine.
It was our first year at the expo and it went down better than we ever could have thought. It was a amazing experience meeting you guys and sharing our love for Candy Co. Those already familiar with the product gave nothing but love and those unfamiliar soon discovered what all the buzz was about. The stars of the weekend was Grape Soda, a certain customer had called it “the nicest grape ejuice i had ever had, i need some bottles of this right now”. Meeting you guys who love the product was a fantastic experience and the community behind vaping have shown us nothing but support and praise.
Im sure you had a shot on the boxing machine whilst you were there, the thing nearly got more more traction than us lol. I would like to congratulate the lucky fellow who managed to get 879, your free sample pack was well deserved. And a big congrats to the ladies of the weekend who showed the boys that you can punch just as hard.
Comment below if you guys managed to stop by the Candy Co stand and tried our liquids, let us know your favourite juice of the weekend and what the best moments of the expo was.
Candy Co made its presence known this weekend and we are so proud to be a part of the vaping community. Thank you guys and roll on the next expo – Ruari